Do you know how valuable you are as an internet user? Did you know there are companies willing to pay you by the hour to have a small banner on your screen while you surf? I didn't know this either until one day a few months ago I heard about a company that did this on a local radio station. I was skeptical, but checked it out and found out it was legitimate. There are now many companies that will pay you to have a viewbar on your screen while you surf, and you can run more than one viewbar at a time and make money faster. It is COMPLETELY free, there is nothing to buy or sell, and there is no obligation. How do they do this, you ask? They do it by charging other companies for advertising on their banners, and then giving some of this money to you. It's easy to make $25-$85 a month just surfing yourself. If you tell others about this and they sign up, you can make hundreds of dollars or more every month. Some people really get into this and are making over $2,000 a month. Here's a picture of a real check from a pay-to-surf company: